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+48 792 818 531

luthier of viols, fiddle and other early music instruments in Kraków, Poland


Sculpted head for a bass viol after Collichon. Carving by Mariusz Dydo.


Like luthiers of the past I work together with local artists to design and add distinctive details to make your instrument even more beautiful and unique. From decorative inlay and marquetry, to painting, to hand-sculpted pegboxes, tailpieces, and heads we can add just as much decoration as suits you--whether that be simply elegant or truly baroque.
If you have questions about what decorations are possible, please feel free to contact me.      

Pegbox and sculpture for 14-string viola d'amore after Rauch. Sculpture by Mariusz Dydo.

Tenor viol head by Mariusz Dydo.

Leia Organa sculpture by Mariusz Dydo